I had the chance to go to Indonesia, to the island of Bali, and I took the opportunity to visit Gusti, our cinnamon and clove producer.

As these are the kind of plants that don't grow here, I thought it might be interesting to explain to you how it works and what it looks like!

Cinnamon and cloves are two key ingredients in our fall creations. I'm thinking in particular of our Pumpkin Chai Black Tea recipe, which needs no introduction, but also our new one, the Rooibos Cinnamon Roll.

Let's start with cinnamon! At the origin of cinnamon, there is the cinnamon tree. Cinnamon, as we know it, is none other than the bark of this tree. Freshly picked, the bark is green/white on the inside and already has that powerful smell. It is when it dries that it curls up on itself and takes on this caramel color. Indonesia is the world's leading producer of cinnamon!

Plantation de cannelle

As for cloves, they are in fact the flower buds of the clove tree, a tree of 10.12m. These buds are picked before the flower blooms and then dried in the sun, on the side of the road. All the parts of this tree are aromatic (leaves, flowers, fruits) but the most fragrant is the flower bud whose petals are still fused. As it opens, the flower loses much of its fragrance. That's why it is harvested just before it hatches.

Clou de Girofle

Gusti, with whom we have been working for several years, is in organic, reasoned and responsible farming. Responsible because he limits his water consumption by using the irrigation system of the surrounding rice fields and also because he plants his trees near natural water points.

Dégustation infusions locales

I hope you enjoyed this botanical walk!

Do not hesitate if you have any questions.
See you soon!
